Does Sin Make Us Stupid?

Really enjoyed this from Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio, PhD.

And If You Could See Me Fly

Very annoyed with what I am seeing in the Pro-life movement today, so I don't want to spread a bad vibe.

Instead, I will share an exquisite one. Here's a fabulous John Waite of the Babys doing the southern rock styled mid 70's And If You Could See Me Fly.

"Learn to embed video, will ya, Cori?"

Okay, I will eventually.

Sexual Licentiousness as a Gateway Drug

I love this that Mark Shea posted today. It really hits the point that evil is really just that darn evil.

"I think Belloc is on to something. Interestingly, sexual licentiousness seems to be the gateway drug hell uses to lead a civilization on to deeper forms of evil."

Looking at abortion pics and video lately has made the direct connection clearer to me, but it's really hard to even get Pro-lifers to look at them.

So, Mark draws on other examples of this in our culture.

"With us, the Perpetual Pepsi Generation, the strategy is different. Start with the dopey Luv of the 60s and then work us on to the avarice of the Yuppy and the cowardice of brutal Machievellians who, first, defend torture as a necessary evil and then laud it as a positive good."

Catholic Apologists have written a bunch lately on torture so I plan to post more about it this week. God really rigged sin to implode on itself. Clever, isn't he? Gotta love God. He thinks of everything!!!


Talked to a friend yesterday for THREE HOURS on the phone (now, I know men don't have THAT kind of dedication to chatting, but WE GIRLS DO!!).

She was able to give me incredible motivation on what my husband and I are doing for the Church, because of the graces God has given her.... having been open to the life of poverty for the sake of serving the poor and for Pro-life for many years.

So, God worked through our friendship to help others and it didn't cost me a thing. I'm way cheap, so I LOVE that. In return, I upload photos for her and help her with postings for her ministry.

That is just one example of the sort of community that we are developing around us as we move forward with serving the Church on a grander scale. I think the real job we all are being called to these days is the spiritual work of creating a community of servants everywhere we go (smacking of Saul Lewinsky, isn't it? "What's good for the goose...").

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I believe it was a CATHOLIC who said that (giggle).

Suddenly I want to wash someone's feet.

Anyway, the point here, in relation to this article, is that we could all be pitching in and helping others around us who need a dr. visit, medicine, etc.

Socialism is only a bad thing when it's forced on us, especially by Big Government. Voluntary socialism is a-ok!!

Except from American Thinker.

"Larry Summers, the Obama administration's Director of the National Economic Council, spoke at The Economic Club of Washington at their April 2009 meeting. C-SPAN was there, and at roughly minute 41, Summers said the following:"

"'That's why health care reform is so important because a large fraction of the federal budget is health care and if health care spending is growing three to four percent a year faster than the rest of the economy then there is no way that the federal budget can be under control. And if you try to control federal spending without controlling overall health spending you know what's going to happen. The people in the federal programs aren't going to be able to ...'"

"Then he paused before continuing:"

"'The health care system isn't going to want to serve the people in the federal programs. That's why the health care agenda is crucial to the long term financial sustainability agenda.'"

"I think it is obvious that Summers was going to say that "the people in the federal programs aren't going to be able to find a doctor if you have Medicare," but he rephrased it before his original thought came out of his mouth. When he talks about overall health spending, he is including all public and private entities that reimburse physicians and hospitals. Federal spending includes just Medicare and Medicaid."

Ron Paul Questions Hillary

This is a repost from Lew Rockwell.

I will keep trying to post video from youtube directly.

February 25, 2010
Ron Paul Questions Hillary
Posted by Lew Rockwell on February 25, 2010 12:09 PM

(Thanks to Minnesota Chris)

UPDATE from Chris Montalbano:

Hillary’s response to Ron Paul’s request that she justify the billion dollar expense for the construction of our new glass fortress in London has me kicking myself for my lifelong ignorance. To Ron Paul’s question “You have to say that that billion dollars will have to be more debt, because where are you going to save it [in the budget]?” Hillary responded “We are selling eleven sites that we currently rent at very high cost in London to consolidate in one building, and therefore the money that we gain from the sale of these buildings will be used to fund the embassy, so we’re not asking for additional or new money…so I believe I can make the case that we’re not asking for new money on that.”

All those years I spent as a young man renting houses, unaware that I could have simply sold my landlord’s property and used the proceeds to finance my next habitation! What a fool I was!

The embassy design is real pretty, though. Perhaps it may inspire our State Department to recall the maxim “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

Winnebago Warrior

Thinking about investing in a Winnebago. Any experience with this?

Here are the lyrics to this lovely, old punk tune. Makes me sort of sentimental in a caffeine-induced, psychotic way. Not sure what's up with the crucifix on the album cover. Must look into that.

Roughin' it in the great outdoors
Guidebooks tell us where to go
Winnebago Warrior

Slow down traffic climbing hills
30 gallons to the mile
Honey, quick, the polaroid

Winnebago Warrior
Brave as old John Wayne
Winnebago Warrior
A true yankee pioneer

Stop at Stuckey's for a meal
Blab all day on the CB
Winnebago Warrior

Littered campgrounds, folding chairs
Feed Doritos to the bears
Honey, quick, the polaroid


Kill some fish down by the creek
Hang their picture by the sink
Show your grandson who's the boss

Tie your two toat-goats to the front
U-Haul trailer full of souvenirs
That you buy along the way


Rolling over

Who's better at covert ops: Dept. of Defense's Missile Defense Agency or PepsiCo?

Let me try to understand

This is a blog post from Aggie Catholic that I am trying to understand. It is a comment on this article which distills reality down to there being good people and bad people...and good people should be encouraged to control bad people with force.

Seems a little simplistic since none of us are perfect and all are redeemable. I don't know about freeing Tibet, but it might be time to free your mind.

Opinion: Homosexual Equivalency Activism Masquerading as Compassion - Catholic Online

Opinion: Homosexual Equivalency Activism Masquerading as Compassion - Catholic Online

Vatican appoints Bambera as new bishop of Scranton diocese |

Vatican appoints Bambera as new bishop of Scranton diocese |
